Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Four days in the hospital....................

So what did you think when there were no posts for almost a week? That we had slowed down. Oh, no, it was Janet spending four days in the hospital around the corner for atrial fib. That may have been the most interesting part of the entire trip. I was the only white patient in there. It was quite a cross cultural experience. My roommate must've had a stroke about a month ago because I gathered she only started talking last week and when the drs. questioned her, she didn't know her name. However, as the days went by, I actually think she was faking parts of it. The hospital was filthy and the aides talked on their cell phones all hrs. of the day and night. Finally, on the second night of complete bedlam out in the corridor, I got out of bed, dragging my heparin IV with me, and demanded to see the head nurse. I pointed out that our room and bathroom were filthy and showed her the proof. She apologized and a half an hour later a young black kid arrived with a squirt bottle and a Swiffer and swiffed around a while and then left. From then on, every time I saw a dr. I said "this place is filthy" and they all said: we know. So now I'm out and hopefully unscathed. There are no pictures.

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