Thursday, July 28, 2011

Whale Watching

This is the sign that greets boaters as they enter Victoria Harbour.

This is the boat we went out in. It's a Scarab, 60' long with 2 500 hp diesel engines. The boat can go 45 mph and we did!!!

A lighthouse built in 1860. It looks very much like the lighthouse on Tybee. This is a working light but it has been mechanized. The lighthouse keeper's house is being used by students from a local university to research all the sealife out there.

These are elephant seals. They are males. The females don't come here.
The females stay in the rookery with the babies.

There are a lot of bald eagles up in these parts. Our captain was a marine biologist and he told us that an eagle can lift his own weight in prey. So if he weighs 13# he can pick up a 13# dog or cat. An eagles' next blew out of a tree and in it were 40 dog and cat collars!!!

These are harbor seals. They spend 70% of their lives lying around.

Whales sighted!!! It was really cold out there. Note how lots of people have hats on.

We saw a lot of whales. There are 3 resident colonies of orca (killer) whales who live up in these waters between the U.S. & Canada. The captain said the best whale watching is in U.S. waters. Each whale has a name and each whale has been identified as to its position in the pod; i.e., the matriarchs are over 80 years old and make all the decisions. The males only live to be 50 because of all the pollution in the salmon they eat. The females live to be twice as old because they lose their pollutants in their breast milk while they nurse. When a baby is born, it stays by its mother's side for 10 years!!! Each one of the whales eats 300 lbs. of salmon a day. If we ate that much salmon, we would be polluted too.

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