Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mark Twain House, Hartford, CT

 This is the house from the approach.  Of course, there are no photos inside.
 This was a raised relief thing in the reception area that I liked.
 There is a large visitors center which many rooms for classes to teach people about the beliefs of Mark Twain.
 Obviously, his bust.

A garden on the way to the main house.

Ed in front of the main house.

The porch off the third floor where his billiard room is.  He was a huge smoker and drinker.  He smoked 50 cigars a day.  Even tho his wife inherited $1 M, they ended up broke because they lived so extravagantly.  Also, he has no descendants because his children's children did not survive.
 Harriett Beecher Stowe lived next door in a little cottage and they were great friends.
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1 comment:

  1. Cool house! I just finished Huck Finn for book club. Great summer read. Y'all have a wonderful summer!
